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Tiny House Framing Archives - Oneida Trail

Tiny House Steel Hold-downs: Simpson Strong Ties

The Simpsons…

Simpson Strong-Ties or steel hold-downs should be utilized in your tiny house build. They will do three things: make your tiny house a wind warrior (secure your investment), add a lot of time to your framing process, and tap into your pocket book. We ended up spending $850 for steel hold-downs along with the appropriate nails and screws to fasten them. Like the trailer, this isn’t a time to skimp.  If you use SIP panels, you may need to research for even more steel hold-down options. 

Subfloor Hold-Downssubfloor hold downsWall Assembly Hold-Downs

Steel hold-downs for tiny house wall

Roof Hold-Downs

Tiny House Roof Hold-downs


Proper Hold-Down Fasteners

Tiny house hold down hardware


Check below for additional pictures where you can see hold-downs utilized. The reins are ours,



Reflections, Hindsight, and Alterations:

  • Initially, I didn’t spend the money for the proper fasteners on our subfloor (a regret). There is a very big difference between the quality of Simpson’s nails and screws and regular ones.
  • We scored extra hold-downs from a builder friend, so I was adding a lot of 90 degree hold-downs to a lot of extra spots in the framing for additional structural integrity.
  • We saved a lot of money by getting certain hold-downs on online at Hardware Online Store. Make sure to check online store’s shipping rates–they can be game changers.
  • It feels really assuring to have the hold-downs throughout the framing!
  • Very few splitting issues with the nails. Sometimes, we pre-drilled holes for the screws. We mixed nails and screws in some of the hold-downs to get different types of holding power.

Additional Location Pictures:

You see can spacing of hold-downs in the subfloor.
Spacing and location of the hold-downs in the subfloor.

Added a plate and some corner hold-downs to the side wall.
Added a plate and some corner hold-downs to the side wall.

Added some extra hold-downs to the wheel-well area--figured this area is going to be pushed around!
Added some extra hold-downs to the wheel-well area–figured this area is going to be pushed around!

I didn't frame the top sill plate properly, so I'm hoping this hold-down ties things in well (used a stronger gauge to make up for framing mistake).
I didn’t frame the top sill plate properly, so I’m hoping this hold-down ties things in well (used a stronger gauge to make up for framing mistake).

Rafter hold-downs further strengthening wheel-well area.
Rafter hold-downs further strengthening wheel-well area.

Categories: Building, Design